Saturday, February 21, 2009

A Limit on Idiots

Shouldn't we limit the number of idiots allowed on the planet, what with all the environmental concerns running rampant in the world today? Why is it that all the wackos in the world who want to limit other people's right to existence are never concerned enough to start by killing themselves? What am I talking about? This.


JanAl said...

the earth is more important than our children?
more craziness, from more crazzies!

Nan said...

Yes, I agree with this man, that something needs to be done. As concerned as he must surely be after giving such obvious consideration to the world's dilemma, I should think he'd be the FIRST to say, "Let's decrease the surplus population, beginning with me!"

danny2 said...

oh c'mon, you all are over reacting.

if each marriage is allowed 2 children, the lady from the previous post is allowed 46 kids! ;-)

DL said...


That is just genius!

Nan said...


bauerpower said...

it just happened to be perfect timing that i read this post immediately after reading a post on the Jeub family's blog (they have 14 kids) about the woman in CA who just had octuplets. in his comments, he copied a recent e-mail that they had received from a reader. here it is........

You guys who say we want to have as many as GOD gives us sicken me. This is not the medieval times, this is an advanced age [where] everyone has access to birth control. We should know and do better than animals. By having a lot of children, you people put unbearable demands on planet earth. You take resources and spaces of many average families. In return more carbon emission and quickens the global warming.

the number of people who think MORE about planet earth & animals rights than they do about human beings and the sanctity of life is just sickening and saddening. my heart breaks and aches for their ignorance and impending eternal damnation.